Thursday, September 3, 2020
The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone Essay Example For Students
The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone Essay In Master Sophocles Antigone, the topic of who the deplorable saint truly is has been a subject of discussion for an incredible number years. Creon has a portion of the characteristics that establish a sad saint however tragically doesn't totally fit into the job. Antigone, nonetheless, has all the parts of a terrible legend. These are, in no specific request, having a high social position, not being excessively fortunate or unfortunate, being industrious in their activities, exciting compassion in the crowd, an impactful indication, and having a solitary defect that realizes their own destruction and the end of others around them. Antigone has these attributes hence qualifying as the shocking legend. We will compose a custom paper on The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now The primary passing perspective is that Antigone is of a high social remaining in Thebes. Creon himself alludes to her as a princess however she is actually not, at this point one. In light of her high standing she is equipped for incredible misery, in that she has a great deal of popularity and respect to lose. The individuals who state Creon is the grievous saint state say that Antigone is no longer in a high situation in the general public, consequently doesn't qualify on that account. On the off chance that the character had should have been in a high political position this would be valid, however they need just have a lot to lose in their ruin. In spite of the fact that she may no longer hold political force Antigone is as yet an amazing figure in Thebes, since she was to be hitched to Creons child Haemon and the entire city appeared to know how sad her life had become. Antigone and Creon would qualify as the heartbreaking saint if the main prerequisite was not being excessively positive or negative. Creon shows his negative side when he will not cover Polyneices and when he addresses the guard. His positive side is appeared in his conspicuous friendship for Antigone and Ismene, whom he has endeavored to raise since their dads passing. Antigones wicked side is appeared by her depraved conduct with her sibling Polyneices. Her sure side is appeared by the manner in which the she demands regarding his entitlement to be covered in the strict convention of Greece with the goal that his spirit may live on in life following death. Another part of an awful saint is a resolute game-plan, in all likelihood brought about by their blemish, that achieves their death and the downfall of everyone around them. Antigones imperfection is her rash and resolute conduct. This is the wellspring of the contention in the play. Had Antigone approached Creon for authorization to cover Polyneices in recognition of the Greek job in strict life he would have most likely permitted it. Rather, she imprudently chose to assume control over issues, probably in view of her resentment in losing the genuine romance of her life. This perspective additionally develops later in the play, when Antigone chooses to slaughter herself in the cavern as opposed to give Creon the fulfillment of the deed. Had she not been so rashly hurried she would have been saved her life by Creon, who was en route to free Antigone and have Polyneices given an appropriate entombment. Creon doesn't have a diligent nature, and hence couldn't be the Aristotelian lamentable saint. His clumsiness as a ruler is common in the manner he falters on the subject of Polyneices entombment. In the first place he appears to be exceptionally obstinate, which some state is one of the deadly blemishes that qualify him as an unfortunate saint, however later alters his perspective. The genuine awful saint would adhere to their deadly blemish, similar to Antigone did, until their total end. .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 , .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .postImageUrl , .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 , .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:hover , .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:visited , .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:active { border:0!important; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:active , .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:hover { haziness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enrichment: underline; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-adornment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32 fde209761 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Making Fun of Optimism Religion and Greed EssayAs far as the issue of emerging compassion in the crowd and in different characters, plainly Antigone unmistakably prevails upon Creon in the field of force of feeling. All of Thebes feels for Antigone, particularly after she has been condemned to death. Haemon himself tells his dad And I have heard them, murmuring and whisperingThey state no lady has ever, so preposterously, passed on so despicable a demise for a liberal demonstration. Clearly she had the pity of the whole city aside from Creon. Creon, in any case, is . The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone Essay Example For Students The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone Essay The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone In Master Sophocles Antigone, the inquiry of who the awful legend truly is has been a subject of discussion for an extraordinary number years. Creon has a portion of the characteristics that comprise an appalling legend however shockingly doesn't totally fit into the job. We will compose a custom article on The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Antigone, nonetheless, has all the parts of a shocking legend. These are, in no specific request, having a high social position, not being excessively positive or negative, being steady in their activities, exciting compassion in the crowd, a life-changing indication, and having a solitary blemish that realizes their own end and the death of others around them. Antigone has these attributes thusly qualifying as the shocking legend. The principal qualifying viewpoint is that Antigone is of a high social remaining in Thebes. Creon himself alludes to her as a princess however she is in fact not, at this point one. In view of her high standing she is equipped for incredible affliction, in that she has a great deal of notoriety also, respect to lose. The individuals who state Creon is the awful saint state say that Antigone is no longer in a high situation in the general public, in this way does not qualify on that account. On the off chance that the character had should have been in a high political position this would be valid, however they need just have an incredible arrangement to lose in their destruction. Despite the fact that she may no longer hold political power Antigone is as yet a ground-breaking figure in Thebes, since she was to be hitched to Creons child Haemon and the entire city appeared to know how unfortunate her life had become. Antigone and Creon would qualify as the appalling legend if the main prerequisite was not being excessively positive or negative. Creon shows his negative side when he will not cover Polyneices and when he addresses the guard. His positive side is appeared in his undeniable warmth for Antigone and Ismene, whom he has endeavored to raise since their dads passing. Antigones wicked side is appeared by her depraved conduct with her sibling Polyneices. Her sure side is appeared by the manner in which the she demands on regarding his entitlement to be covered in the strict convention of Greece with the goal that his spirit may live on in life following death. Another part of a heartbreaking saint is a steadfast strategy, no doubt brought about by their imperfection, that realizes their end and the destruction of people around them. Antigones imperfection is her rash what's more, adamant conduct. This is the wellspring of the contention in the play. Had Antigone approached Creon for authorization to cover Polyneices in recognition of the Greek job in strict life he would have most likely permitted it. Rather, she carelessly chose to assume control over issues, in all likelihood in light of her indignation in losing the genuine romance of her life. This angle too rises later in the play, when Antigone chooses to murder herself in the cavern instead of give Creon the fulfillment of the deed. Had she not been so impulsively rushed she would have been saved her life by Creon, who was en route to free Antigone and have Polyneices given a legitimate internment. Creon doesn't have a diligent nature, what's more, along these lines couldn't be the Aristotelian disastrous legend. His incompetence as a ruler is pervasive in the manner he falters on the subject of Polyneices internment. Before all else he appears to be very stubbor
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Lady of Shallot and the sonnet Remember Essay Example For Students
The Lady of Shallot and the piece Remember Essay Ruler Tennyson was conceived in 1809 in Lincolnshire. In 1850 in the wake of being instructed at Cambridge University he became Poet Laureate, this was the title given by the ruler at the opportunity to the writer who composed sonnets praising uncommon and significant open events. He had a deep rooted dread of psychological maladjustment, as his family was known to have an inherited hereditary issue. A significant number of his family (his sibling and his dad included) had this issue and were placed in mental homes. He later on passed on in 1892. Rossetti was conceived in 1830 she was a profoundly strict lady, who was just perceived through her verse. It would be reasonable for one to state that her sibling, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, rose to distinction at an a lot more significant level then Christina. Her sibling rose to distinction through his masterful nature. They were the two individuals from the Pre-Raphaelite Movement; this gathering was centered around the movement of extraordinary works of verse and painting. She kicked the bucket, because of malignancy at 64 years old in 1894. We will compose a custom paper on The Lady of Shallot and the work Remember explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now I have been given the task to investigate the subjects of Love Loss in the sonnets The Lady of Shallot composed by Alfred Lord Tennyson, and the work Remember by Christina Rossetti. The two sonnets were written in the Victorian period. The two sonnets, which I have been approached to investigate, were written in the Victorian time between the long periods of 1837 1901, at which time Queen Victoria was the ruler, the Victorian time delivered numerous extraordinary and fairly persuasive scholars, for example, the two I am contemplating. In this period England experienced a couple of significant changes, the number of inhabitants in Britain multiplied which thus made enormous urban communities be created, because of the expansion in populace. A few people thus needed to live confined and messy way of life. Because of the happening to the Industrial Revolution a great many individuals left their agrarian employments to move to the city where they lived in the ghettos to discover any work, which a plant brought to the table. The workers were utilized as modest work a large portion of them were exhausted and furthermore had an absence of training. As the scholars were not intensely affected by the mechanical insurgency they had the option to live significantly more agreeable lives in correlation with the laborers. All through this time Britains economy started to reinforce as the years went on this was affected by the Industrial Revolution, there was likewise another purpose behind the Strengthening economy, which was Britain had started attacking different nations for their riches and characteristic assets, because of this the exchange business was growing quickly. Despite the fact that there were numerous motivations to consider the Victorian time an incredible period, one must gain proficiency with the darker side to the Victorian time which had started to rise. Prostitution, asking, youngster abuse and tipsiness were incredibly normal, and there was a tremendous measure of edgy and destitute individuals. Ladies who experienced their lives toward the start of the Victorian time frame were hugely limited. Ladies were not permitted to claim cash, their lives could be viewed as shallow and dull; they were treated as assets of their spouses. There were just a couple of good occupations, which were paid inadequately, so ladies frequently redirected towards prostitution as a wellspring of pay. The period in spite of the fact that had its clouded side plays a part in delivering the absolute most prominent essayists Britain had seen including George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, Charlotte and Emily Bront㠯⠿â ½, Charles Dickens and Oscar Wilde. It appears that the two sonnets have both been composed utilizing the subject of death; one can say this is on the grounds that demise was a significant issue in the Victorian time. Change, rot, and development were likewise significant variables, which all connected in with the subject of death, one may state that the Victorians were interested by such themes. .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d , .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d .postImageUrl , .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d , .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d:hover , .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d:visited , .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d:active { border:0!important; } .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d:active , .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d:hover { obscurity: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d .focused content region { width: 100%; position: rel ative; } .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uc0be190145f3a2f2750e2866dfe82d5d:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The sonnet 'The Echoing Green' is composed by William Blake EssayThe piece Remember is about a woman who is by all accounts at her dieing stages and is conversing with an individual and revealing to them how she might want to be recalled, when she withdraws from the world. Albeit one may state that this piece has a double translation, the other being that the woman is leaving. Recollect me when I am left, gone far away into the quiet land I feel that this statement above sums up the importance and topic of the sonnet Remember. The sonnet Lady of Shallot is about a woman who is captured in a mansion because of a revile. One may reason that Tennysons dread of psychological maladjustment could be depicted through the revile, which holds her in the pinnacle. A revile is on her on the off chance that she remain To look down to Camelot. She knows not what the revile might be, She invests her energy weaving and watching the individuals pass by. The sonnet continues to portray the château and its environmental factors. Likewise the sonnet depicts how she begins to look all starry eyed at the knight Lancelot. At that point how she gets away from the stronghold just to travel to her passing where she at long last meets Sir Lancelot. The two sonnets have the general topic of adoration and misfortune these are the two subjects I expect to dissect. Rossetti expounds on how somebody needs to be recalled when they are left one may clarify this as though somebody is going to bite the dust, the left depicts the topic of misfortune, despite the fact that the subject of misfortune is a significant effect on the sonnet Rossetti figures out how to incorporate the topic of affection, one can finish up this as a result of the line; You let me know of our future that you arranged This appears as though the woman is conversing with her accomplice who had intended to be with her for a mind-blowing duration. One may state there is a type of hatred in the statement. The subject of affection is appeared in the sonnet on the grounds that the above statement depicts the amount someone adores their accomplice and needs to be recollected, this might be on the grounds that she is leaving him or withdrawing from the world. Tennyson likewise figures out how to portray the topics of adoration and misfortune through his sonnet The Lady of Shallot, he additionally stress a feeling of depression with the woman of Shallot. This is on the grounds that she is reviled to remain in the pinnacle. I am half tired of shadows She is yearning to have somebody close by all she sees are shadows one could state that she needs these shadows to enter her life and become reality. As the sonnet goes on Tennyson figures out how to think the sonnet onto the topics of adoration right now she sees Sir Lancelot. She starts to feel so detached and profoundly infatuated with this knight she is happy to forfeit her life just to meet him, this is the subject of misfortune occurring. She in the long run contacts her adoration however passes on all the while. Every sonnet has its own individual rhyme design. As the poem Remember comprises of fourteen lines, the rhyme design is as per the following, A-B-B-An A-B-B-A-C-D-D-E-C-E. As should be obvious every so often rhyming couplets have been utilized to give a cadence to the sonnet. The Lady of Shallot a story sonnet, the sonnet comprises of 180 lines which and is separated into nineteen separate refrains/sections which are part into 4 sections, each having an indistinguishable rhyme design and a sum of nine lines. An A-B-C-C-C-B. Nearly the whole sonnet has been made in versifying tetrameter, despite the fact that the last line of every refrain is written in rhyming trimester. The rhyme design props a beat up all through each section/refrain. The refrains all have the words Camelot and Shallot at point B of each section; the main stanza to contrast this example is the twelfth refrain where the word Lancelot is utilized rather than Shallot, the essayist has utilized this to underscore the significance of Sir Lancelot inside the Ladys life. This dreariness endeavors to delineate the tedium of the sort of life she leads, yet where Lancelot shows up in
Friday, August 21, 2020
Critically Evaluate the Concepts of Professionalism and Accountability in Lls and Process of Evaluation, Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement. free essay sample
Section 1 Introduction 500 (lo 1 2) Critically assess the ideas of demonstrable skill and responsibility in lls and procedure of assessment, quality confirmation and quality improvement. Give away from of these key issues and how they influence the educator. Remark on various archives on polished methodology and what they bring to the table. Distinguish and remark on key issues of demonstrable skill lead and responsibility in the deep rooted area. Proficient personality, as indicated by Bucher and Sterling, (1977), is characterized by ones abilities and information and furthermore the work one is associated with. Polished methodology has been a term once in a while connected with those inside the FE part because of the wide scope of contestants, which incorporates the contrasting foundations in industry alongside the differed degree of encouraging capabilities held by representatives. Macdonald, (1995) contends that this decent variety in FE is accepted to have made a powerless expert limit, in sociological terms and subsequently making it hard to authorize an expert code of training. Meanings of polished skill will in general stress catchphrases, for example, proficient information, self-rule and duty. Furlong et al (2000) accept that an expert would should be independent to settle on own choices and decisions, however that such choices are made dependably. Robson, (2007) contended that to be an expert then you should be guided by some type of expert set of principles that contain explicit measures and qualities that make individuals responsible for their conduct. In this way one must be answerable for their activities both with regards to their calling and furthermore inside ones dealings outside. This is particularly of significance when one is working with training and choices in regards to understudies trust and secrecy. Furlong et al, (2000) keeps up that understudies ought to be at the core of choices made and that a significant level of trust is of central significance in keeping up proficient gauges. Instructors in FE come into the area with information from industry, however don't generally have the mastery to instruct it to other people. The issue with this can be that the individuals who have accompanied pro information may not completely draw in with the showing side of it, wrongly accepting that information alone is sufficient to advance them beyond in the FE part. Tipton, 1973) Experts in certain subject fields are not generally the best instructors and as indicated by Robson, (2006) they can likewise be the ones who are generally hesitant to participate in further educator preparing. However preparing as an educator is fundamental in achieving proficient showing status and in creating what is known as double polished methodology, implying that you are exceptional in instructing and subject information. The area, anyway is changing and Teachers in the post obligatory division presently need to embrace educator preparing and be granted QTLS status, and therefore achieve an expert job in FE. This was gotten from September 2007 and was invited by the IFL in its endeavor to strengthen an expert personality to instructors in this area. As noted before, one part of being an expert is being responsible for your activities and furthermore being available to investigation from different experts. The IFL have their own code of expert practice, which incorporates Reasonable consideration and duty to the instituteââ¬â¢s state of participation. They likewise have an exceptionally point by point arrangement of managing protests about experts who are out of understanding with the code, accentuating the other significant part of being an expert, which is having the option to suspend or expel you from the expert body. Johnson (1972) accepted that expert bodies can convey with them negative implications, for example, being out to secure themselves and their inclinations, the IFL proposes something else, rather ensuring the segment where they work. The IFL have acquired the new LLUK guidelines that instructors need to achieve be given the QTLS. These supplant the past FENTO norms, which went under much analysis and were blamed for not being fit for reason by OFSTED. The LLUK gauges offer the capacity to be effortlessly surveyed and are detectable. They guarantee that understudy instructors obtain a double polished skill, gaining from a subject explicit coach and direction from Tutors from their course. This advantages the instructors and guarantees they are readied, with the subject information, however how to convey it to other people. Achieving QTLS status gives you an encouraging capability as well as guarantees the individuals who have such status keep on creating both their instructing and their subject specialism through direction, support and other CPD exercises inside the work place. It likewise verify that instructors are responsible for their own abilities and activities in the study hall, which thusly would offer them more self-governance inside their expert lives. By creating and implementing proficient guidelines inside FE, society will see the segment with more regard, seeing diagrammed status as an indication of the quality that has been deficient previously Section 2 contextual investigations 1200 (lo 4) Detailed contextual investigation that follows 2 distinct understudies and their experience. 2 understudies that have prominently various encounters so as to assess your job and commitment in the quality affirmation on their experience. Talk about how their own and social advancement may add to the network they live in. Understudy An is male and begun his further training venture directly from secondary school at 16 years of age, where he was determined to attending a university to build his activity possibilities. He had a wide range of vocation possibilities he might want to seek after, which included Police official and Primary teacher. He is one of not many guys concentrating inside Health and Social consideration, which is frequently seen as a ââ¬ËFemaleââ¬â¢ subject because of the emphasis on care in various phases of life. In spite of the fact that he preferred the appearance of the schedule and the assortment of subjects secured. Understudy An applied to both KGV and Southport College to do a BTEC first recognition in Quite a while. Exhortation was offered by instructors at secondary school and KGV enrollment staff to apply for this level as his evaluations were low and e was not expected to get straight onto the National confirmation. In spite of the fact that after GCSE results day he altered his perspective with some direction from the enrollment group at KGV and decided on the Health and social consideration BTEC first. This was expected to itââ¬â¢s assorted substance and v arious topic. This left his choices open for picking either BTEC national in Health and social consideration or Public administrations on the off chance that he passes the course and accomplishes his GCSE grade C in Maths. Understudy B applied to KGV following a multi year hole from instruction and entered KGV after her eighteenth birthday celebration. Understudy B completed secondary school with low GCSE results and began a BTEC first course in ICT at Southport College, yet dropped out following 3 months of the course, demanding she had picked an inappropriate course. Understudy B was met independently in the wake of sending a letter of use to KGV, as she was not in instruction. Understudy B was offered a spot in BTEC first Health and Social consideration, because of it having a few units that were engaging and the way that it would empower her to get onto a more elevated level course the next year. Understudies inside school are adding to their locale through instructing themselves with the possibility to prepare in professions that have advantages to their own lives and people around them. Those informed would be bound to settle on better decisions and advance on to advanced education, in this way not adding to the rising measure of individuals unemployed and guaranteeing Job searchers stipend. Toward the start of the course during the Induction stage, understudies were asked to answer inquiries on themselves including professions, what glancing forward in the course and of potential issues. Understudy B examined her stress over the pressure of joining her work out of school and her work inside school. As of now she was living with her beau and needed to get lease every month. Understudies were cautioned about taking on a lot of work outside of school and consented to an arrangement to go to all exercise s and just work a limit of around 8 hours every week. She was at that point surpassed this number and had consented to attempt to lessen her hours. (Additional data on Induction is offered in Appendix 1) During the enlistment week the two understudies finished all work to a sufficiently high standard to not warrant any expert mediation. On the off chance that additional assistance was required the understudies would be rethought by learning support and given extra assistance if necessary. During the third seven day stretch of showing Student An accomplished some harassing inside the class from two female understudies, who made jokes to his detriment. Balance in the work place is a piece of Domain A from the LLUK principles, which intends to guarantee that the study hall stays a protected and open to workplace for all. So as to satisfy my expert job I removed the understudies from the exercise toward the end and clarified what they had done, how unsuitable that conduct is and the school arrangement on tormenting. They later apologized and understudy A turned out to be progressively agreeable inside the homeroom. Conversation was had with Student A to guarantee no additionally annoyed was caused. Later conversations with my guide on the issue provided me with elective methods of managing said understudies. Understudy B was finishing chip away at time, which was of a decent quality up until half term and afterward her participation started to slip significantly. Following fourteen days of no contact with school, in spite of school attempting to connect with her, she at long last returned. It was found that her companion had been slaughtered in an engine biking mishap, she had separated with her live in sweetheart and had to move to a level all alone. Inside Domain F of LLUK measures offering support or coordinating towards suitable help is a piece of being an expert in the FE segment. It was somewhat
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Work Motivation And Performance Of The Employees Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Johnson (2010) argued the classification of the variables that could be reported differences in creativity topic as research study and the literature on this topic has been much flourished. The researches on creativity have been conducted in many different sub areas of psychology, social psychology, industrial psychology, clinical psychology, personality and cognitive psychology and developmental areas (Feist, 2006). The connection with the generating novel ideas, solving the intermingled problems and drive to implementation for development by the creative person who can be differentiated from the others persons due to these creative attributes (Harrington and Barron, 1981). Helson (1999) viewed that various studies have elaborated the characteristics of personality of creative person and distinguished that the creative persons wiling to generate new and novel ideas, unconventional, ambitions, and experiences, driven, impulsive, self confident and dominant. Currently most of the studies are conducting for effectively management of employees performance by improving their satisfaction level, motivation level, commitment level, attitude, behavior, skills and abilities, knowledge, well being and occupational health, and career management in the field of human resource management and development. The numerous studies are also doing in this field for examine over all organizational performance by managing organizational justices fairly, affective leadership style, organizational citizenship behavior, organizational politics, impact of organizational culture forces and drivers as well as for sustaining the development and growth of organization by establish ing the organizational creativity climate, knowledge sharing environment, employees perceived innovation positively, designing and implementation for change or interventions, innovative technologies, and training for improving performance and skills of employees. 1.2. Problem Statement In this study I try to examine the relationships between work motivation and performance of the employees and their perception about innovation through establishing organizational creativity climate in the telecommunication organizations. There is very high competition among the telecommunication organizations because these organizations are growing rapidly all over the world by establishing creative climate among employees, in which organizational members are generating new and novel ideas for development and gain competitive advantage in telecommunication market. Various studies have been conducting to examine relationships of organizational climates and employee performance through bringing change in the telecommunication organizations which have ultimately purpose to develop the organizations works, human processes, technologies, structures, strategies, and human resources. But it is too difficult to implementation successfully of any intervention in the telecommunication organ izations without diagnosing the problem because most of the employees dont want to any change. These people are strongly satisfied with current work and they dont accept any change due to lack of education, knowledge, skills, training programs, and negative attitude and also their motivation level is very low. So these types of people firstly require increasing their motivation level and capabilities for understanding the new phenomena of creativity climate and the managers should do fully cooperate with the people for increasing their motivation level and capabilities. 1.3. Contribution in the study Previous studies have been conducted on organizational creativity climate and examined its impact on different variables like perceived innovation, work motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Very recently (Lin and Liu, 2012) distinguished the positive relationships between organizational creativity climate and perceived innovation and determined mediation role of work motivation between their relationships and they also recommended in this study for future research that the evidence for the relationships between climate and performance is reasonably convincing (Anderson and West, 1998), but to understand the relationship in depth will require consideration of the subtle dynamics among antecedents, mediating process, and contextual contingencies. In this study we want to examine the relationships between organizational creativity climate and perceived innovation and also work performance of the employees and mediation role of work motivation. The employees wor k performance would also include in the model because it may possible currently employees performance would be high but perception about innovation will be low and it also may possible their perception will be high but performance will be low as well as also possible perception will be high and performance also high. So I want to examine the impact of creativity climate on work performance and perceived innovation of the employees through work motivation level. 1.4. Research Questions There are three research questions are following under: Will creativity climate increase the employees motivation, perceived innovation and employees performance? Will employees motivation increase the perceived innovation and employees performance? Will employees work motivation play mediation role? 1.5. Significances and Implications of the Study This study will help the leaders and managers of the telecommunication organizations by establishing flexible and creative climate for increasing the motivation level and perception about innovation and performance of the employees. The managers should conduct training programs in which improve the employees skills, knowledge and attitudes that way they will be motivate to adopt change and intervention for sustainable development of the telecommunication organizations. It will help managers and practitioners to diagnose the problems of employees who dont want to accept change in the telecommunication organization then to motivate them for taking participation in innovatively change management. 1.6. Objectives of the study There area following objectives of this study; Examine the relationship between organizational creativity climate and work motivation. Determine the relationship between organizational creativity climate and perceived innovation. Examine the relationship between organizational creativity climate and work performance. Examine the relationship between work motivation and perceived innovation. Examine the relationship between work motivation and work performance. Examine the mediation relationship of work motivation between creativity climate and perceived innovation and employee performance 1.7. Definitions of Key Interest Variables There are four variables which have used in this study first independent variable is organizational creativity climate (mean to establish a creative climate in which people develop new and novel ideas and bring innovative change in the organization for the sustainable development of the organization), second mediation variable is work motivation (mean to increase the intrinsic motivation of the employees by establishing flexible and creative climate in the organizations), and third dependent variables are perceived innovation (the perception about innovation would be positive of the employees when organizations establish creative climate inside the organizations then it leads for sustainable development of the organizations) and employees work performance (employees work performance would also increase by establishing the organizational creativity climate, increasing their work motivation level and when their perceptions about innovation being also positive). 1.7.1. Organizational creativity climate Creativity can also defined as the capabilities to generate new and novel but appropriate ideas which can be adaptable for tasks constraints (Sternberg Lubart, 1999). According to Amabile (1996) founded eight factors which used for the measurement of organization creativity climate. First six factors (organizational encouragement, supervisory encouragement, working group support, freedom, sufficient resources and challenging work) are considered environmental stimulants and last two factors (organization impediments and workload pressure) are considered as obstacles to creativity. Organizational encouragement The organizational encouragement described to establish organizational culture and climate which encourage the creativity by fair productive judgment of ideas, device of developing new ideas, compensation and recognition for creative and innovative work, actively sharing the ideas, and shared the purpose and vision that where the organization want reach (Amabile et al., 1996). Supervisory encouragement The supervisor plays role as a good work model, sets appropriate goals, supports the effective teamwork in the different groups, values the each members contribution and participation, and shows the confidence in the work group (Amabile et al., 1996). Working group supports The diverse people are working in the groups which are doing work according to their specific skills, communicating well with each other, opening new ideas, constructing challenges of each other works, helping, trusting and cooperating with each other, and feeling commitment with the work (Amabile et al., 1996). Freedom Empowering the freedom and autonomy to the people of the group in which they do manage their own current works effectively and efficiently by developing new innovative and creative ideas as well as mean they have full control all over their works (Amabile et al. 1996). Sufficient resources The access of appropriate resources including information, money and funds, facilities, materials, and other instruments and equipments for completing works in the different groups of the organizations (Amabile et al., 1996). Challenging work The challenges and to do work hard by the people for accomplish difficult tasks and projects of the organizations in a specific time limit (Amabile et al., 1996). Organization impediments The culture of the organization that create obstacles for establishing the creativity climate in the organization through harsh criticism of new ideas, internal politics problems, destructive internal competition, over emphasizes on status quo, and an avoidance of risk (Amabile et al., 1996). Workload pressure The pressure of over loading work can also create obstacles for creativity environment in which includes extreme time pressure, distractions for creative work, and unrealistic expectations for productivity (Amabile et al., 1996). 1.7.2. Work Motivation Work motivation defined as the employees exert high level of effort by motivating themselves for achievement of tasks effectively and efficiently related their jobs in the organization (Ambrose and Kulik, 1999). 1.7.3. Perceived Innovation Van de Ven (1986) defined the perceived innovation as a positively thinking about the innovation that generating, designing, developing and implementing the new knowledge, ideas, changes or interventions successfully in the organization for current problem solving and sustainable development or growth of the organizations. 1.7.4. Employee Performance Work performance means the outcomes of the employees about their work and objectives align with the organizations goals and objectives that are achieved by the employees to work effectively, efficiently and motivation and work performance of the employees measuring using different techniques of performance appraisal system. CHAPTER 02 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Organizational Creativity Climate 2.1.1. Definitions Creativity can be defined as the invention of new and novel ideas that contributes to innovation, means the transformation of these ideas into practical and valuable new products, the creativity is normally supposed to occur as a role dealing with the persons and the circumstances (Scott Bruce, 1994; Amabile, 1996). Creativity can also defined as the capabilities to generate new and novel but appropriate ideas which can be adaptable for tasks constraints (Sternberg Lubart, 1999). Van de Ven and Angel (1989) defined the term innovation is about procedure for designing, developing and implementing of a new and novel ideas. The climate can be defined as the observed and chronic pattern action, perceptions, feelings, and believes which exemplify life in the organization (Ekvall, 1999). Pattersen et al., (2004) defined the climate as a function of mutual views and points with respect to individuals believes and perceptions about the policies, laws, practices and procedures in the o rganization. Mclean (2005) argued that the culture and climate are interchangeable or interlinked with each other in the organizations. The differences needed to highlight which are essential when conducting the researches in the perspective of organizational creativity climate and innovation (Amabile, Coon, Conti and Lazenby, 1996). McLean (2005) argued that organizational culture is concerning intensely held meanings, beliefs and assumptions whereas organizational climates are feelings or perceptions, feelings of, experiences in, the instantaneous environment of work. It is becoming progressive more essential for the organizations employees to analyze and understand the both internal and external climates for them. In these unstable and particular era of knowledge able economy in which the organizations need to increase the productivity on the employees and also essential for increasing the creativity of the employees (Borghini, 2005). Organizational creativity climate defined to establish creative working environment in which identify the organizational works that facilitate the creative thinking and innovative novel ideas in the organization (Amabile et al., 1996). The technological challenging environment in which there are increasing the globalization and competition with speedily and organizations require solving the current problems related products, services and procedures by generating and implementing the new novel ideas (Atwater and Carmeli, 2009). So, the main purpose of today has been becoming that to increasing the creativity and innovation of the employees in the organizations which is major requirement for the organizations success in future. 2.1.2. Outcomes of Organizational Creativity Climate Amabile (1988) proposed a theoretical model of creativity climate and innovation in the organizations in which he explained the two main factors of different elements that assimilate the componential model of individual creativity into the organizational climate. He elaborated the first elements is organizational components (management practices, resources and organizational motivation) of model that estimated the overall innovation within the organizations and these components affect the work climate of individuals within the organizations. Where as second elements are individual components (expertise, task motivation and creativity skills) of model which affected by above organizational components that predicted the overall creativity with in the organizations. Amabile (1993) examined the relationships between work climate and personality and intrinsic motivation. He discussed that personality and organizational climate influenced significantly on intrinsic motivation of the empl oyees. There have been founded the significant relationships of these dimensions; Organization encouragement, supervisory encouragement, work group support, challenging work and organizational impediments with the organizational creativity climate but also have identified the non significant relationships of these factors freedom, sufficient resources and work load pressure with the organizational creativity climate (Amabile, Conti, Coon, Lazenby and Herron 1996). Andersen and West (1996) have developed the four factor model in which measuring the climate for work group innovation. The have taken collected data form 155 individual of 27 hospital management teams and concluded these four dimensions (vision, participative safety, task orientation and support for innovation) significantly related with the organizational climate for the innovative development of the work group or teams. Baer and Frese (2003) have collected data from 47 German mid sized companies and founded positive and significant relationships between climate for initiative and goal achievement and return on assets and also founded significant relationships between climate for psychological safety and goal achievement and return on assets. They have also examined the significant moderation affect of process innovation between climate for initiative and goal achievement and return on assets and also identified the moderation affect of process innovation between climate for psychological safety and goal achievement but they have founded non significant its moderation affect between climate for psychological and return on assets. The high quality LMX in the organization climate and it also motivate the organizational employees; for increasing their creative and innovative capabilities (Carmeli and Atwater, 2009). A research has been determined that the leaders created momentum at workplace in the organization for promoting the creativity of the employees by progression of behavior supporting the high quality interpersonal relationship with their employees and motivate them to do innovative work for the development of organization in future (Carmeli and Atwater, 2009). They founded the perception of employees about supportive and high quality relationships among them and their leaders also as well require synergy for their effective management that way they can adopt the innovative and creative work in the organization. A study investigated the significant relationships between psychological climate and job involvement and effort and performance, and effort and job involvement significantly related with job performance as well as effort played full mediation role between job involvement and job performance (Brown and Leigh, 1996). Another study propped a theoretical framework which influenced the organizational creativity and innovation she explained this model on the basis of theories and past studies literatures. She elaborated that when well recognized mediating st ructures that affect creativity are deliberately renewed then the creativity of any firm is achieved (Borghini, 2005). Choi (2005) identified the individual and contextual predictors of creative performance and also examined the mediation affect of psychological processes. He collected data from 28 instructors who were teaching the 450 students and founded direct and significant positive relationships between psychological processes (creative self efficacy and creative intention) and creative performance. He has been also originated psychological processes played significant full mediation role in the relationships of individual characteristics (intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, creative personality, cautious personality and creative ability) and contextual factors (supportive leadership and open group climate) on creative performance. The study investigated the significant relationships between organizational realities and organizational outcomes and organizational cli mate and its determinants (structures, policies, tasks, goals, strategies, leaderships, resources, work load, technologies and staff characteristics) have played mediation role in the relationships of organizational realities and organizational outcomes (Ekvall and Ryhammar, 1999). Griffin (2000) has conducted study to examine the link of safety climate with safety performance, knowledge and motivation and he has conducted two studies on this topic. In first study data has been collected from 1403 employees of seven Australian manufacturer and mining organizations and founded the significant positive relationships between safety climate (management values, safety inspections, personal training and safety communication) and components of safety performance (safety compliance and safety participation) and also examined the significant partial mediation of safety knowledge in the relationships of safety climate and safety compliance (first component of safety performance) but not si gnificant mediation affect between climate and safety participation (second component of safety performance). In second studies he did analyze the mediation affect of compliance motivation, safety knowledge and participation motivation and data collected from 381 employees of Australian manufacturer organizations. He has concluded the significant positive relationships between safety climate (management values, safety practices, safety training, safety equipment and safety communication) and components of safety performance (safety compliance and safety participation) and also examined the significant partial mediation of compliance motivation, safety knowledge and participation motivation in the relationships of safety climate and components of safety performance (safety compliance and safety participation) but significant negative affect of compliance motivation between climate and safety participation (second component of safety performance). Ismail (2005) has examined the relati onships of organizational learning, organizational creativity climate on innovation. She collected data from 259 employees who were working in 18 private sector organizations (small, medium and large size organizations) and founded significant relationships between learning organizations and organizational innovation and also determined the significant relationships between creativity climate of organizations and its innovation. 2.1.3. Dimensions of Organizational Creativity Climate The previous studies and literature shows broad range of organizational innovations dimensions including both internal and external (Amabile, Coon, Conti, Herron and Lezenby, 1996). The combination of both employees personal creativity and climate factors of the organizations which are essential for developing a creative and innovative attitude, perception, believe and behavior at workplace of the employees within the organizations (Einarsen and Matheisen, 2004). The previous studies have examined the many different individual differences in creative persons like openness to experience (Helson, 1999), cognitive style (Kaufmann, 1991), intrinsic motivation (Amabile, 1996) and this is only possible when organization will try to set up a creative and innovative climate. According to organizational creativity climate several dimensions have analyzed in the literature, for instance dimensions introduced by Amabile in 1996 and MacLean in 2005. 14 different dimensions for measuring the or ganization creativity climate revealed by the authors after review of 42 research papers in which dimensions are includes; positive supervisor relations, challenges, resources, positive peer group, mission clarity, positive interpersonal exchange, top management support, autonomy, intellectual stimulation, flexible and risk taking, participation, reward orientation, organizational integration and product emphasizes (Bedell, Hunter, and Mumford, 2007). The behavior measured by different dimensions, like planning and setting goals appropriately, raising employees energy, showing openness to new ideas, shaping quality communication, interaction with work unit members, supporting group work, value individual contribution, providing constructive feedback, and showing confident (Atwater and Carmeli, 2009). Ten rules for transforming innovation which addressed on decisions, control of action, and the use of hierarchal structure, information, lack of encouragement or supervisory support and regarding culture perspectives which are possible to results reduce the innovation and creativity (Kanter, 1983). The dimensions of creativity climate assesd by situational outlook questionnaire which are using for the measure of climate for creativity and change, these dimensions are including challenge/involvement, freedom, trust/openness, ideal time, playfulness/humor, conflict, idea support, debate, and risk taking (Isaksen, Lauer and Ekvall, 1999; Isaksen, Lauer, Ekvall, and Britz, 2001). According to Amabile (1996) founded eight factors which used for the measurement of organization creativity clime. First six factors (organizational encouragement, supervisory encouragement, working group support, freedom, sufficient resources and challenging work) are considered environmental stimulants and last two factors (organization impediments and workload pressure) are considered as obstacles to creativity. In this study, I have used these eight dimensions of that scale which devel oped by Amabile et al., in 1996, because these dimensions also recently used by the Cilla in 2011 and very recently used these dimensions by Lin and Liu in 2012, they concluded the significant relationships organizational encouragement, supervisory encouragement, working group support, sufficient resources, freedom and challenging work with perceived innovation. Table 1. Dimensions and Items of Organizational Creativity Climate (Amabile et al., 1996). Dimensions Items Organizational Encouragement This organization is encouraging the employees to solve the problems in creative way. The mechanism of this organization is very supportive in which developing and encouraging the new and novel ideas. This organization judges fairly all ideas. This organization is encouraging the employees to do creative work by fairly distributing rewards. Ideas are flowing actively and lively in this organization. In this organization, people have clear knowledge about vision, mission and goals so that they are trying to do work effectively. Supervisory Encouragement My supervisor plays a good role model for me. My supervisors set the goals and objective appropriately. My supervisors encourage and support my job in group with in this organization. My supervisors give the value of individual works and ideas to projects and he encourage me to increase my confidence level in the work group. Work Support Group In my work group, people are communicating freely and openly with each other for doing works creatively. In my work group, people have variety skills to do creative works. In my work group, I have much influence over work and work related elements. In my work group, people are creating new and novel ideas. In my work group, people are highly committed to (our) works. In my work group, people are encouraging to build trust and do help with each other for solving the intermingled problems in creative way. Sufficient Resources This organization is providing me appropriate resources according to need my works. This organization is providing me all available facilities related my works and the project requirements. This organization is providing me all require data for completing projects effectively. This organization is providing me complete Information, adequate materials and sufficient funds to do work effectively. Freedom This organization encourages me to get feedback from other employees about my work performance. This organization empowers me to decide my work that how works can be carries out effectively. This organization delegates me by establishing flexible and creative climate in which, I have full control over my own works and ideas. This organization supports me to create new ideas and take decision freely which idea is better for doing works effectively. Challenging Work In this organization my current work is very challenging. In this organization I am doing work on very important projects. In this organization I need to do complete my work successfully and urgently which is requirement of organization. In this organization my works tasks are very challenging and recognize me as a best worker. Organizational Impediments In this organization many people are facing several problems due to negative political environment. In this organization, generating very harsh and criticize ideas. In this organization top management is focusing on status quo and dont wants to any creative change. In this organization people are feeling pressure to adopt any creative change for the improvement of product quality. Work Load Pressure In this organization, I have very short time to complete my works properly. In this organization employer expects to me to accomplish too much works by using insufficient resources. In this organization, I have no clear information and direction to complete projects successfully. In this organization, I have lack of facilities, inappropriate materials and insufficient funds to do complete project effectively. 2.2. Work Motivation 2.2.1. Definitions Porter and Lawer (1968) firstly defined the two categories of motivation intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation defined as the motivators to do perform work its willingly while extrinsic motivation define as to do perform work due to tangible reward or monetary compensation etc. Pintrich and Shunk (1996) defined the term motivation as linking process that happen when individual person start and maintain the all his/her activities, works and actions regarding goal direction in the organization. Work motivation defined as the employees exert high level of effort by motivating themselves for achievement of tasks effectively and efficiently related their jobs in the organization (Ambrose and Kulik, 1999). 2.2.2. Outcomes of work motivation The internal motivation of the employees can increase their satisfaction and commitment level with the works and they are highly committed with the beliefs and values of the group (Vansteenkiste et al., 2006). A study investigated the significant positive relationships among motivational orientation (intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation), organization innovative climate and innovative behaviors. Data was collected from 254 employees of Taiwanese enterprises and have been founded significant relationships of motivational orientations and organization innovation climate with innovative behaviors of the employees and the study has also examined the significant moderation affect of extrinsic motivation in the relationships of intrinsic motivation and innovative behaviors. There has been also determined the non significant moderation effect in the relationships of intrinsic motivation and innovative behaviors and intrinsic motivation has played moderation role between extrinsic motivation and innovative behaviors, finally organization innovation climate has also played significant moderation role between extrinsic motivation and innovative behaviors (Kao and Tsai, 2004). Another study has been conducted to examine the associations of various bases of power, behavior alteration techniques, immediacy behaviors and use of affinity seeking techniques of the teachers with motivation of students and data was collected from 366 students. The studys results have been founded significant and positive associations of immediacy behaviors and use of affinity seeking techniques of the teachers with the motivation of students and significantly negative association of teachers various bases of power with the students motivation and also determined the non signification association between behavior alteration techniques of teachers and motivation of students (Richmond, 1990). 2.2.3. Dimensions of work motivation The very famous studies of motivation in which explained various dimensions of motivation by different authors (Maslow, Alderfer, Hertzberg, McClelland, McGregor, Vroom, Edwin Locke etc) in history which dimensions of motivation presented today by the name of motivational theories (Hierarchical theory, ERG theory, Two factors theory, Three needs theory, Theory X Y, Expectancy theory, goal setting theory, equity theory and job characteristics model etc). Maslow (1958) proposed five basic dimensions of motivation by the name Maslows hierarchical needs theory in which dimensions are including: physiological needs (Needs to satisfy hunger and thirst), safety needs (needs to feel that is world is organize and predictable, need to feel safe, secure and stable), social needs (need to love and be loved, to belong and be accepted, need to avoid loneliness and alienation), self esteem needs (need to self esteem, achievement, competence, and independence, need for recognition and respect from others) and self actualization needs (need to live up to ones fullest and unique potential). Alderfer (1972) proposed three dimensions of motivation by the name ERG needs theory in which are including dimensions: existence needs (Maslows fundamental needs), relatedness needs (needs for interpersonal relations) and growth (needs for personal creativity or productivity influence). Hertzberg (1959) proposed two factors theory of motivation one factor is presenting the name of hygiene factors that were led to dissatisfaction and another is motivator factor that were led to satisfaction. Hygiene factors are including dimensions: company policy and administration, supervision, work condition, salary relationship with peers, relationships with supervisor, personal life, and relationships with subordinates, status, and security. Motivational factors are including dimensions: achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, advancement and growth. McClelland (1962) introduced t hree dimensions of motivation by the name three needs theory in which are including dimensions: needs for achievement, needs for affiliation needs for power. McGregor (1960) defined two types of characteristics of person for motivation by the name of theory X and theory Y and in which theory X present the person who is lazy in doing work effectively and theory Y represent that person who is willing to do work effectively and efficiently at inside and out side the organization. Edwin Locke (1968) introduced goal setting theory of motivation; he argued that employees would be much motivated when they do set their own goals by participation with the managers or employers in the organizations. He suggested that the goals ought to be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Vroom (1964) proposed expectancy theory for motivation; he elaborated three dimensions which were led to over all motivation of the employees and these dimensions are valence (the significance associati on between individuals work and his/her expectation), expectancy (the faith that better effort will result in better performance) and instrumentality (the faith that if he/she perform well then a valid outcome will be there). Self-determination theory (STD) recommended that autonomous motivation consists on intrinsic motivation, integration of regulation, extrinsic internalized motivation, identification of regulation, and motivation which is controlled motivation, regulated of external behavior, interjected of regulation (Deci Gagne, 2005). Subordinates may be satisfied with the both categories of motivation for improving their performance and the challenging and these tasks and objectives serves like optimistic feedback that increases the intrinsic motivation (Deci, 1975). Armstrong (2006) distinguished that there were some factors that can be used for manipulation of the humans or employees behavior and these factors are including; autonomy and have control for management of own resources, to value the importance of work, freedom to do act, develop and improvement of capabilities, having career development opportunities and scope for use. Minbaeva (2008) supporting the arguments that people who are intrinsically motivated involved ego in their works, perceived positively about further works, more committed with their works, and effected much on the works of organizations for its future development. Hackman and Oldham (1976) developed job characteristics model (JCT) in explain the important dimensions for increasing the motivation level of employees and dimensions are including; skills variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback. Skills variety: number of different skills required. Task identity: completion of task provides a clearly identified outcome. Task significance: job has impact on others. Autonomy: freedom to complete task as one sees fit. Feedback: job provides information about performance. In this study we have used Job characteristics model for measuring the work motivation and considered these dimensions can fulfill the certain conditions in which employees do work effectively. These dimensions were much predicted to show high performance, greater productivity, high commitment, better attendance, positive behavior, and reported high level of work motivation and satisfaction of the employees. Recently these dimensions also have been used by Lin and Liu in 2012 at Taiwan for measuring the work motivation level of employees and their study was more relevant to our studys topic. Table 2. Dimensions and Items of Work Motivation Model (JCT) (Hackman and Oldham , 1976). Dimensions Items Skills Variety My job is totally depend upon me to do my work effectively and I can use different skills and technologies to do complete my job effectively. My job creates lot of varieties and gives opportunities to do achieve effectively job related tasks from start to end. Task Identity My job increases my capabilities to perform all functions independently of my supervisors and managers. Task Significance My job is very important and has influence on decision which can significantly affect the organizational works My job can significantly affect the work performance of other employees in this organization. Job Autonomy My job has designed purposely and I known that how it will be relate with the organizations mission and vision. Feedback My supervisors provide me fairly and positive feedback after accomplishment of my work creatively. The review of literature of employees work motivation presents that the employees needs to enjoyment, self-expressions, personal challenges, interests and satisfaction at workplace when they do work in any organizational set up (Amabile, 1993). The creativity capabilities and innovative experiences must be attached to the employees motivation for generating new ideas and establishing creative climate by improving the quality of employees behavior at workplace (Amabile, 1988). 2.3. Perceived Innovation 2.3.1. Definitions Van de Ven (1986) defined the perceived innovation as a positively thinking about the innovation that generating, designing, developing and implementing the new knowledge, ideas, changes or interventions successfully in the organization for current problem solving and sustainable development or growth of the organizations. 2.3.2. Outcomes of the studies variables 2.3.3. Dimensions of perceived innovation The dissemination of new ideas or entity about innovation term among people in well defined system of any society has been concerning according to the diffusion theory of innovation within sociology. Various diffusion studies have conducted in rural areas society by the many rural development sociologists and have concerned new designing and framing method or implementation. Bernett (1953) was proposed firstly the important characteristics of innovation and perception of people about innovation. The diffusion of innovations model has been developed by the Rogers in 1962 and he elaborated that how innovations enter into the social system. Very few researches have conducted on the perception of potential adopters mean perceived innovation of the employees before adopting any innovative change. Rogers Shoemaker (1971) found 49 to 87 percent variation in rate of adopters to adopt any innovative change in the organization, but these studies were not focused on the perception of those e mployees about innovation. They developed important typologies for the evaluation of innovation and then there have abundance of arguments related innovation adoption of innovations. Runyon and Steward (1987) used five characteristics for measuring the perceived innovation and these attributes of perceived innovation are including: Relative advantage, Compatibility, Complexity, Price, and Uncertainty. Ram and Seth (1989) used only three dimensions for measuring the perceived innovation and these dimensions of perceived innovation construct are including: Compatibility, Price and Uncertainty. Gatignon and Robertson (1991) identified nine factors for measuring the perceived innovation and these factors of perceived innovation are including: Relative advantage, Compatibility Complexity, Observability, Trialability, Price, Uncertainty, Product symbolism, and Marketing strategy. Rogers (1995) introduced five attributes for measuring the perceived innovation and these attributes of percei ved innovation are including: Relative advantage, Compatibility Complexity, Observability, Trialability. Petter and Olson (1996) recognized eight elements for measuring the perceived innovation and these elements of perceived innovation are including: Relative advantage, Compatibility Complexity, Observability, Trialability, Price, Product symbolism, and Marketing strategy. The definitions or concepts of these all of above attributes, dimensions, factors, or elements are as following under: Relative advantage: The degree to which an innovation is perceived as being better than its precursor or superior to the competitive products. Compatibility: The degree to which an innovation is perceived as being consistent with existing values, needs, and past experiences of potential adopters. Complexity: The degree to which innovations is perceived as being difficult or understand to use it. Observability: The degree to which the results of an i nnovation are observable or describable to others. Trialability: The degree to which an innovation may be experimented or tried before adoption. Price: The degree to which cost of the new product or innovation Uncertainty: The degree to which an innovation as being may risk be real or perceived and unclear about the outcome or consequences. Product Symbolism: The degree to which an innovation as being meaning, purpose and experiences about the product and using it. Marketing Strategy: The degree to which an innovation as being identify the specific type of the strategy require able for the innovation or new product introduces in the market. In this study we have used five items that adopted from KEYS scales and this scale developed by Amabile et al., 1996 for measuring the perceived innovation and considered these items can fulfill the certain conditions in which employees do work effectively. Recently these items also h ave been used by Lin and Liu in 2012 at Taiwan for measuring the perceived innovation of employees and their study was more relevant to our studys topic. Table 3. Items for measuring the Perceived Innovation (Amabile et al., 1996). Variable Items Perceived Innovation In this organization, area of my job is creative and innovative. In this organization, area of job is providing me opportunities to create new and novel ideas to do work effectively. In this organization, overall working environment is encouraging to my own creativity. In this organization, creation of new and novel ideas is including in daily routine works. In this organization, overall climate of works group is creative in which group members do decision for creating novel ideas for the its development. 2.4. Work Performance 2.4.1. Definitions Job performance concerns the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are required to enable an individual to perform the activities listed in the job description as per the competency profile that a human resource or similar professional may have developed through job analysis. Work performance means the outcomes of the employees about their work and objectives align with the organizations goals and objectives that are achieved by the employees to work effectively, efficiently and motivation and work performance of the employees measuring using different techniques of performance appraisal system. 2.4.2. Past studies and Dimensions of work performance Currently the most of studied are conducting to measure the performance by reactions of user to performance appraisal (Jawahar, 2007). The reactions are approximately always appropriate and adverse reactions can to difficult the largest part carefully constructed the system of appraisal (Murphy and Cleveland, 1995). The very few studies assumed the expression of performance appraisal and its effect on employees commitment and work performance instead of testing the employees performance critically (Williams and Levy, 2004) the described the most of the studies conducted to examine the relationships between reaction of performance appraisal, attitude and behavior of the employees. The determinations of individual person differences which can effect the association between reactions of the performance appraisal and employees work performance of the individual may discover the situations in which performance appraisal is much or less effective that study such as to capitulate resul ts of relatively in practical (Fletcher, 2001). The fundamental activities of performance appraisal are Goal setting and feedback that are broadly assumed the impact of performance positively by increasing specific information, knowledge, and motivation which are important for increasing the performance of employees (Fletcher, 2001). Kuvaas (2006a) concluded the positive association between reactions of performance appraisal and commitment of the organization and intrinsic motivation plays moderate role between their relationships. The positive association founded between reactions of the performance appraisal and employees work performance in which autonomy orientation acts as moderate between their relationships (Kuvaas, 2007). Kuvaas (2011) found the increasing and positive interaction between reactions of the employees and employees work performance in which feedback plays moderate role between their relationships. In this study we used the 6 dimensions (acceptability, har d working, extra effort, better perform, engagement of job, and quality of work) of Kuvaas for measurement and identify the work performance of the employees because Kuvaas constructed the advance dimensions of work performance. Table 4. Items for measuring the Work Performance (Kuvaas, 2011). Variable Items Work Performance I always perform better than the expectations of my supervisors. I always try to work hard for completing my task in time. I always spend extra time for achieving tasks effectively. I frequently do perform excellent and get reward from my supervisors. My works quality is very high for performing well to achieve any task effectively. I always committed with my job rather than just do job. 2.5. Relationships of Organizational Creative Climate with Work Motivation, Perceived Innovation and Work Performance Various studies have examined that creative behavior of employees in the organization strongly affected by the employee motivation (Shalley et al., 2004; Griffin and Neal, 2000; Brown and Leigh, 1996; Oldham and Cummings, 1996). Mitchell (1982) viewed that job design has been supposed to support the employees motivation and has been long measured an important contributor to performance, motivation and satisfaction of employees. The perceptions in the perspective of organizational creativity climate were affected by employees motivation for generating new and novel ideas in the organizations (Amabile, 1996). West and Richards (1999) described that the cognitive arrangement of both factors working environment and personal qualities are fostered the creative behavior at workplace. The organizational climate significantly influenced on the employees perceptions, attitude, cognition and behavior (Hoffmann, 1997) and climate has been affected the performance of the employees by the ma nipulation and modification of their psychological process (Isaksen et al., 2001). The main objective of the organizational creative climate is to examine those variables by which organizational ability can transfer the positive knowledge, skills and attitude into its employees for increasing their performance and effectively achievement of organizations goals (Abbey and Dickson, 1983; Denison, 1990; Baer and Frese, 2003). The creative climates supports for the creation, perceptions about innovation, consideration, develop new products and provision of new services, technical ways for work designing, as well as creative climate promotes understanding, concept, approaches, utilization, and adoption of new and novel ideas for the sustainable development of the organizations in future (Isaksen et al., 1999). Kao and Tsai (2004) founded the positive relationships between innovative behavior and organizational creativity climate and data was collected from 254 employees of Taiwanese e nterprises. The creative climate affected the innovation of organizations or firms (Ismail, 2005). Porter (1996) identified there was uncompleted understanding of organizational behaviors and adopters performance at individual (micro) and organizational (macro) in complex and dynamic climate of the organizations. Many researchers have suggested that to examine the relationships of organizational climate and performance at different levels individual and organizational level (Klien et al., 2000; Hitt et al., 2007). Most of the studies have identified that creative climate was an important factor for increasing the performance in the organizations (Amabile et al., 1996; Ekvall, 1996) and various studies have also examined the relationships between organizational creative climate and outcome (Payne and Pugh, 1976; Abbey and Dickson, 1983; Eckvall and Ryhammer, 1999; Baer and Frese, 2003). The organizational creative climate was affected the performance of teachers at campus (Chiou, 200 2). Choi (2004) identified that there were some variables which create obstacles for creativity climate in the organizations and these variables can hinder the performance of the employees for adopting any innovative change as well as also would disturb the employees psychological mechanism but these variables yet not have been investigated systematical in various studies. Amabile (1988 1996) developed a componential model of the organizational creativity climate that addresses the individual work performance and perception about innovation of the employees at workplace. According to the Amabile model, she recognized two main factors which are important for examining the organizational creative climate first factor was climate stimulants in which includes six dimensions (organizational encouragement, supervisory encouragement, work group support, freedom, sufficient resources and work challenge) and these dimensions supports the creative climate and second factor was climate obstacles which consists on two dimensions (organizational impediments and workload pressure) and these dimensions hinder the creative climate in the organizations. We hypothesized according to aforementioned studies and arguments that: H1a: There is positive relationship between organizational stimulants (organizational encouragement, supervisory encouragement, work group support, freedom, sufficient resources and work challenge) to creative climate and work motivation. H1b: There is negative relationship between organizational obstacles (organizational impediments and workload pressure) to creative climate and work motivation. H2a: There is positive relationship between organizational stimulants (organizational encouragement, supervisory encouragement, work group support, freedom, sufficient resources and work challenge) to creative climate and perceived innovation. H2b: There is negative relationship between organizational obstacles (organizational impediments and workload pressure) to creative climate and perceived innovation. H3a: There is positive relationship between organizational stimulants (organizational encouragement, supervisory encouragement, work group support, freedom, sufficient resources and work challenge) to creative climate and work performance. H3b: There is negative relationship between organizational obstacles (organizational impediments and workload pressure) to creative climate and work performance. 2.6. Relationships of Work motivation with Perceived Innovation and Work Performance Now days, the management style is changing rapidly in all over the world (Robbins, 2000). In the changing environment of world most of the organizations leaders are managing the human resources through increasing the motivation and innovation capability of their followers or employees because the employees motivation is organizations life blood (Sharma, 2006). Effective and efficient organizations can increase the motivation level of employees for gaining these competitive advantages like decrease turnover intention and absenteeism; increase the productivity, work life satisfaction and revenue; and improve the work performance (Lin, 2007). So it is main responsibility for the organizations leaders establish the assumptions to keep motivate their employees (Birkin, 2006) and these assumptions can lead the leaders to make mistakes when they are trying to keep motivate their followers/employees (Simon and Enz, 2006). Persona social life and work, Management style, structure and cul ture as well as environment of the organization affect the motivation level of employees (Lin, 2007). There are many theories Maslows (needs hierarchy theory), MeClellands (personality approach), Victor Vrooms (Expectancy theory) that support this hypothesis that when employees motivation will increase their work performance also increase. Beside it Vrooms VIE theory, Locke and lathams goal theory, Bangharas self efficacy theory, Weiners attribution theory, Hertzbergs (job design theory), Adims (Equity theory), these theories help to develop and improve the behavior of the employees and provide positive thinking to leaders and employees that increase their other motivation level for doing work effectively and willingly (Drake and Kossen, 2002). H4: There is positive relationship between work motivation and perceived innovation. H5: There is positive relationship between work motivation and work performance. 2.7. Mediation role of Work motivation There is significant association between clinical symptoms and functioning and intrinsic motivation plays mediation role between their relationship (Yamada, Lee, Dinh, Barrio, and Brekke, 2010) they have concluded there is negative relationship between symptoms and functioning when intrinsic motivation plays fully mediation role between their relationship. There is association between instructor learning and student and intrinsic motivation does act as a mediator between their relationship (Richmond, 1990) he investigated the positive relationship between the instructor behavior and motivation level of the student for learning more and effectively. The characteristics for the motivation is self determination theory and work motivation in which elaborate the basic needs, desires and general necessities for education, nourishment and attaining knowledge which are essential for human development and reality (Sheldon, Deci, Ryan Kasser, 1996). The characteristics for the motivat ion is self determination theory and work motivation in which elaborate the basic needs, desires and general necessities for education, nourishment and attaining knowledge which are essential for human development and reality (Sheldon, Deci, Ryan Kasser, 1996). There are important and fundamental psychological needs (competence, autonomy, and relatedness) which influence the intrinsic motivation of the employees and work climate which support satisfaction of the three fundamental psychological needs will increase the motivation level of the employees intrinsically and it support internalization completely of the extrinsic motivation of the employees and ultimately it effect the employees work outcomes, changing behavior positively, effective performance, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, and positive attitude, well being and psychological adjustment of the employees (Gagne Deci, 2005). Researchers have postulated the importance of determining the mediation affect of work motivation between climate and performance (Kopelman at al., 1990; Petterson et al., 2004). There were significant relationships of work motivation as mediation between organization creative climate and perceived innovation (Lin and Liu, 2012). The above mentioned arguments were elaborated the mediation role of work motivation between organizational climate, leadership, and individual behavior, perceived innovation but never proposed any study in which examine the mediation affect between organizational creative climate and current work performance of the employees in the Pakistani organizations. So on the basis of above past studies we hypothesized that: H6a: Employees work motivation plays mediation role between organizational creativity climate and perceived innovation. H6b: Employees work motivation plays mediation role between organizational creativity climate and work performance. Organizational Creativity Climate Work Motivation Perceived Innovat ion Work Performance
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Psychoanalysis of Victor Frankenstein Frankenstein by Mary...
In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein creates a monster that murders several people, and then flees through Europe to the Arctic Circle. In the beginning of the story, it seems that Frankenstein is simply a scientist chasing a pipe dream of finding the key to eternal life, but closer analysis of the text reveals that Frankenstein is not sane, and possibly suffering from one of many psychology disorders, causing hallucinations and psychosis, it is my contention, that Victor Frankenstein is his monster. Sanity is defined as the quality or state of being sane or the soundness or health of mind by the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Victor Frankenstein shows several obvious signs of being not sane by our standards, among them areâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦(Wikipedia, Dissociative Identity Disorder) Frankenstein s inability to physically capture the creature, but to have conversations and arguments with it, are underlying signs that Victor Frankenstein is the monster. Social Isolation can also have incredibly devastating effects on psychological health. When a person is isolates themselves from the rest of the world for a long period of time, like Victor Frankenstein did to complete his work, there are several different psychological effects ranging from depression to vivid hallucinations, Psychological problems reported included anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, withdrawal, regression, and hallucinations.(Kellerman, Rigler, Seigel par 1). Incredibly severe cases of social isolation can be seen in feral children. These children, who are isolated from contact and interaction with humans, whether by abandonment or neglect, have no linguistic ability, have countless psychological issues in our society once they are discovered, and in general appear to behave as wild animals. (Feral Children). It is possible that due to the isolation, Frankenstein s alter-ego, the monster, does not have complex communication ability that most people have, and h as to relearn how to interact with people by reading. There is also a chance that Victor Frankenstein could also have schizophrenia, either as a symptom of DID, or as its own mental illness.Show MoreRelatedMARY SHELLEYââ¬â¢S FRANKENSTEIN: A PSYCHOLOGICAL REPRESENTATION OF HER FEAR OF CHILDBIRTH1694 Words à |à 7 Pages HUMN 303 Week 7 Assignment Frankenstein, a novel first published in the year 1818, stands as the most talked about work of Mary Shelleyââ¬â¢s literary career. She was just nineteen years old when she penned this novel, and throughout her lifetime she could not produce any other work that surpasses this novel in terms of creativity and vision. In this novel, Shelley found an outlet for her own intense sense of victimization, and her desperate struggle for love. Traumatized by her failed childbirthRead MoreEssay on Psycho-Analysis in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein2375 Words à |à 10 PagesPsycho-Analysis in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Sigmund Freuds studies in psychoanalysis are uncannily fore-grounded in the late romantic period. The works of William Wordsworth, Percy B. Shelley, Lord Byron, and Mary Shelley, all function as poetic preludes to Freuds 18th century field. Particularly, it is Mary Shelleys Frankenstein that creates a fictional rendering for psychoanalyst. In Frankenstein, Victors rejection of the Monster metaphorically represents the egos rejection of theRead More The Id, Ego and Superego Shown in Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde1454 Words à |à 6 PagesFrankenstein: the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson both show Freudââ¬â¢s ideas of Id, Ego and Superego as well as of innate desire. Frankenstein: the Modern Prometheus shows Freuds stages of psychosexual development. Collectively both novels should be considered Freudian through these ideas. Jekyll and Hyde works as a symbolic portrayal of the goodness and evil that resides in equal measure within the soul of a man. It pre-emptedRead MorePursuit Of Knowledge In Frankenstein1866 Words à |à 8 PagesIn the gothic novel, Frankenstein, written in 1818, author Mary Shelley tells a blood chilling story of Victor Frankenstein and his monstrous creation. Many of the main concepts in the Romantic literary movement are prevalent throughout the novel. Some of these concepts include nature as beauty and truth, strong personal motivation, and gothicism which inhibits intense emotion and complex psychology. Victorââ¬â¢s à monstrous creation can be categorized as a romantic hero because of his continuous rejectionRead MoreFear Oneself : Freud s View On Psychoanalysis Essay1247 Words à |à 5 PagesFear Oneself: Freudââ¬â¢s View on Psychoanalysis ââ¬Å"There is no question therefore, of any intellectual uncertainty here: we know now that we are not supposed to be looking on at the products of a madmanââ¬â¢s imagination, behind which we, with superiority of rational minds, are able to detect the sober truth; and yet this knowledge does not lessen the impression of uncanniness in the least degreeâ⬠(Freud 424). Freudââ¬â¢s concept of psychoanalysis revolves around and into the minds of characters in every literaryRead MoreEssay on Creation and Alienation in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein3425 Words à |à 14 Pages Throughout Mary Shelleyââ¬â¢s Frankenstein, also known as The Modern Prometheus, this notion of alienation, is an illuminating theme that is manifested throughout the story. Another theme is that of creation, in which Victor Frankenstein, a main character in the book, usurps the role of God by giving life to a creature in his laboratory, but by artificial means, rather than conceiving one legitimately. Fu rthermore, the underlying factors of creation, that are carried out by Frankenstein, as well asRead MoreFrankenstein, By Mary Shelley1603 Words à |à 7 Pages Mary Shelleyââ¬â¢s Frankenstein was written during the Romantic period. If follows the trend of romantic novels of containing gothic themes, but with more profound meaning in the message that the novel tries to convey. Shelleyââ¬â¢s use of imagery especially of the monster and how people react upon seeing him is an perfect example for how she held a broken mirror to society showing how people react to things that are different and unknown. In the novel the monster is a greater metaphor for people thatRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On The Novel Frankenstein 764 Words à |à 4 PagesAnnotated Works Cited Bentley, Colene. Family, Humanity, Polity: Theorizing the Basis and Boundaries of Political Community in Frankenstein. Bloom s Literary Reference Online [Facts On File News Services]. N.p., 2005. Web. 26 Apr. 2015. This source went over multiple themes in the novel Frankenstein, one of them being the pursuit of knowledge. I found this as a great example of the pursuit of knowledge, and was compelled to use it for one of my notecards. Birkhead, Edith. Later DevelopmentsRead More Essay on Shelleys Frankenstein and Miltons Paradise Lost3164 Words à |à 13 PagesShelleys Frankenstein and Miltons Paradise Lost à à à à Even upon first glance, Mary Shelleys Frankenstein and John Miltons Paradise Lost seem to have a complex relationship, which is discernible only in fractions at a time.à Frankenstein is Mary Shelleys reaction to John Miltons epic poem, in which he wrote the Creation myth as we perceive it today.à His characterizations of Adam and Eve and the interactions of Satan and God and the impending Fall seem to have almost taken a Biblical proportionRead More The Quest for Nothing in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay2228 Words à |à 9 PagesA Quest for Nothing in Shellys Frankenstein à The last chapter of Mary Shellys Frankenstein concludes Victor Frankensteins search for the monster. His obsession with finding the wretch leads him into the most desolate territories in the world, led on with clues left by the monster itself. The motive for his quest goes beyond the desire for revenge, but is shaped over the primal need for Victor to become the ideal self. The monster, in which Victor placed his most intense hours of isolated
Judgment day. Essay Example For Students
Judgment day. Essay The title of this column is intimidating me. It keeps sounding like Last Will and Testment. I, Christopher Durang, being of sound mind and not on antidepressants, do hereby bring this edition of this magazine to a close. And to my beloved housekeeper, I leave all previous editions of this magazine, as well as a subscription to Backstage and Variety. And a video copy of Beyond the Forest, the film in which Bette Davis says What a dump. Then again, maybe Last Word isnt meant to be a will; instead perhaps its the title of the Sermonette that comes on the TV screen when the television station goes off the air at five in the morning. (Except that TV stations never go off the air anymore.) Television viewers, I say sincerely, wearing a dark suit and with my hair combed, at five in the morning its time to remember our connection to the universal truth. Weve watched the news six times now, watching the special report about 15-year-olds who kill 14-year-olds for sneakers all six times; weve heard about Bill Clintons phone calls to various women in various area codes; weve heard the weather five times; and weve yet to rid our memory of the TV movie from earlier in the evening, in which Judith Light, as a horrifically battered woman, exploded a nuclear device to kill her abusive husband, but inadvertently killed all her neighbors as well. Thats a lot of clutter in our minds, and its now time, for a few minutes at five a.m. before it all starts up again at six a.m. with Morning Stretch, to let the chatter of the day come to an end and let quiet pass over us. Last Word also sounds possibly like the end of the world, and this rather intrigues me. I share with the Fundamentalists a desire for a Last Judgment, where God will get the Last Word and you will find to your delight that in most ways God agrees exactly with you. With the assembled souls of all eternity before Him, God will clear up various controversies. As to artificial birth control, God will say, I have no idea what all those Popes were going on about. Of course it was fine. What a tempest in a theological teapot. The soul of Pope Paul VI will look suitably embarrassed. Various mysteries will be clarified at last. I will now tell you who was behind the Kennedy assassination, God will begin. Many of us will scan the crowd of souls looking for Oliver Stones aura, to watch him (or it) react to whatever the news is. Then, to the surprise of people not in theatre, God will devote a certain amount of time putting straight injustices that happened in American theatre. As good as Carol Channing was in Hello, Dolly, God will say, nonetheless the Tony award should have gone to Barbra Streisand that year. God will then look for Walter Kerr. Walter Kerr was right on My Fair Lady (Though who wasnt? a catty angel may mutter) but he was very incorrect not to like Christopher Durangs Beyond Therapy, which was very funny. God will then beam at me, and I will beam back. What did you think of the play Mary, Mary? I may call out, if Im not careful, referring to the popular 1950s comedy written by Jean Kerr. It was entertaining for its time, God will say, frowning slightly at my lack of grace in bringing up Walter Kerrs playwright wife at this point of Judgment Day. Lunch Hour, though, was very hard to sit through, God will add, momentarily distracted from his agenda. Now as to The Kentucky Cycle God will begin. .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62 , .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62 .postImageUrl , .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62 , .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62:hover , .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62:visited , .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62:active { border:0!important; } .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62:active , .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62 .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5804d6156cf42d87d2f26412982fcd62:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Scenes from an Execution EssayBut then I dont know that I really believe this Last Judgment will happen. I have a feeling God didnt see Beyond Therapy (although maybe he read a script readers report on it). And probably at the Last Judgment, God wont mention theatre at all. Or if He does, I dont think Hell refer to critics or stage comedies by either me or Jean Kerr. Probably hell mention Aeschylus. (Very cathartic, God may say.) And maybe Plautus. (Entertaining use of stock characters, God may opine.) And then maybe God will bore us by talking on and on about Shakespeare. What a genius for character and language that Shakespeare had. I love all that death-and-resurrection imagery in The Winters Tale. And theres an excellent symbolic use of the seasons, something Im partial to. Among the souls gathered, professors of English literature will perk up and hang on every Divine word. I also identified with Prospero in The Tempest, God will say. Though I never understood mankinds obsession with Hamlet. I thought it was one of the talkier ones. Several professors will look abashed. Maybe I saw too many versions of it, God will say kindly, trying to make them feel better.
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